Market Analysis

Non-ferrous Metals

编辑:Admin   浏览次数:次    更新时间:2022-08-11 18:27

Multi-client Regular Reports

− China Copper Quarterly Report (CCQR)

− China Zinc Quarterly Report (CZQR)

− China copper end-user consumption model (2000-2050)

− China copper scrap generation and usage model (2020-2050)

− China copper mine production and cost analysis

− China lead/zinc mine production and cost analysis

− China bauxite production and cost analysis

− China copper smelter production and cost modelling

− China lead/zinc smelter production and cost analysis

− China aluminum smelter production and cost modelling

Tailor Reports

− Industry survey of related downstream products of bases metals

− Value metal recovery from e-scraps

− Recycling of base metals

− Au, Ag and PGM mine production andrecovery

− Sn, Sb mine production and recovery

− W, Mo, As, In and Cr extraction and recovery
